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The 60-30-10 Rule: Balancing Your Business with a Purpose

As a 30-year beauty industry professional, I’ve often found myself questioning where to focus my energy. Should I be buried in the day-to-day operations of the salon, or should I spend more time thinking about growth and dreaming of what the business could become? For years, I struggled to find that balance, especially in an industry that demands so much of our time and creativity.

That’s why I developed what I call the 60-30-10 rule: a framework that helps salon owners and independent hair professionals focus their time and energy in the right areas—60% on daily operations, 30% on planning for growth, and 10% on dreaming big. This approach is not just a method I use, but one I believe can help any professional in our industry gain clarity and control over their business.

60% – The Daily Circus: Managing Operations

Let’s be honest: the day-to-day of running a salon is no joke. It’s not just about managing appointments and keeping up with inventory—it’s about juggling the daily circus that comes with working in a salon. You’re dealing with a clientele full of diverse personalities, each with their own set of needs, all while the clothes dryer or water heater decides to break at the absolute worst possible time. I’ve had more days than I care to admit where it felt like just keeping the wheels turning was a victory. But here’s the thing: this daily grind is essential, and it deserves the majority of your focus—about 60%.

This 60% is your bread and butter. It’s the engine that powers your salon or independent practice. You have to keep clients happy, maintain a welcoming and functioning space, and ensure that your business runs smoothly. But sometimes, I got so caught up in the details that I lost sight of everything else. That’s why this part of the 60-30-10 concept is about balancing operations, not overindulging in them.

The importance of mastering daily operations is backed by research in entrepreneurship, where strong operational management is consistently linked to business success. According to a study by the Harvard Business Review, operational excellence is often the determining factor in business sustainability and growth .

Pro Tip: Implement systems to automate as many routine tasks as possible, like appointment scheduling, inventory management, and client reminders. The more time you free up from routine tasks, the more energy you’ll have for growth and long-term vision.

30% – The Growth Mindset: Planning the Next Steps

While daily operations are critical, you can’t ignore the importance of future planning. In the beauty industry, trends shift quickly. One day it’s balayage, the next it’s lived-in color. If you aren’t dedicating time to looking ahead and staying relevant, you risk stagnation. I learned this the hard way in the early days of my career, where I was often too caught up in today to think about what’s coming next.

This 30% is all about planning for the next steps—whether it’s improving your services, expanding your offerings, or thinking about how to elevate the client experience. For example, when I first noticed that clients were gravitating toward eco-conscious products, I started planning ways to integrate sustainability into my salon, from product choices to packaging.

Growth planning in business, especially in dynamic industries like ours, is crucial. McKinsey’s research highlights that businesses that dedicate time to proactive planning and anticipating market changes outperform competitors by 40% .

Pro Tip: Set realistic goals for the next few months, whether it’s improving a particular service, expanding your clientele, or refining the customer experience. This gives you the agility to move toward growth without overwhelming yourself.

10% – Dreamcasting: Visualizing the Endgame

The last 10% is for dreaming. And while that might sound indulgent, it’s essential for keeping your passion alive and steering your business in the right direction. When I began to think bigger, it started as just a dream—creating a space that truly reflected my values and vision, a place where both clients and professionals felt empowered.

In the beauty industry, dreamcasting might look like envisioning a future where your salon is a destination for elite clientele, or where you’re traveling the world to educate other professionals. It’s about thinking big and not being afraid to picture what you truly want your business—and life—to become. Without these moments of creativity, it’s easy to get stuck in routine.

Research in entrepreneurship backs the idea that visionary thinking is what distinguishes high-impact leaders from the rest. According to Forbes, business leaders who take time to dream and visualize their success are more likely to innovate and achieve breakthrough results .

Pro Tip: Block off time each month to engage in dreamcasting. This could be as simple as spending an hour journaling or brainstorming with your team about your ultimate vision for the salon.

Balancing It All: The 60-30-10 Approach in Action

In my years in the beauty industry, I’ve realized that balance is key. If you spend all your time just handling the day-to-day, you miss out on growth opportunities. If you’re only dreaming big, you’ll struggle to get through the daily grind. The 60-30-10 rule helps you strike that balance.

  • 60% of your focus is on keeping things running smoothly: the day-to-day work that keeps clients coming back.

  • 30% is on thinking ahead: what are the next few steps for your business, and how can you improve?

  • 10% is on those big dreams: envisioning the life and career you really want.

If you’re anything like me, finding that balance can take time. But once you do, it transforms your entire approach to business. You begin to operate not just for today, but with the future—and your dreams—in mind.

How to Get Started with 60-30-10

  1. Audit Your Current Focus: Start by taking stock of how you currently divide your time. Are you spending too much time on daily operations and not enough on growth or dreaming?

  2. Set Concrete Goals for Each Category: Create measurable goals for the 60%, 30%, and 10%. This will help you ensure that you’re not just getting stuck in one area.

  3. Allocate Time Strategically: Dedicate specific blocks of time to each of these areas. For example, spend the bulk of your day handling operations, but carve out time every week to think about growth and periodically set aside moments to dream and visualize your ideal future.

  4. Reevaluate Regularly: As your business grows, your focus will naturally shift. It’s important to regularly reassess how you allocate your time and make adjustments as needed. Are you spending too much time on the 60% and not enough on growth? Or maybe you’ve been dreamcasting so much that your day-to-day operations are slipping? Adjust accordingly.

In a Nutshell…

The 60-30-10 rule is a balanced approach to running a successful salon or independent practice. It’s about dedicating 60% of your focus to operations, 30% to planning for growth, and 10% to dreaming big. As someone who’s been in the beauty industry for many years, I can tell you that finding this balance isn’t always easy—but when you do, it makes all the difference. By applying this framework, you can create a business that not only thrives today but is set up for growth tomorrow and aligned with your ultimate vision.






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